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ERA Products Home

ERA is the cornerstone of Britain’s hardware sector ERA continues to drive the innovation that underpins this industry.Our innovative locks, handles and hinges have provided peace-of-mind to generations of British homeowners and will continue to do so for future generations.

Choose from the options below to find out more about our innovative home security products.


Door Security

Window Security

Alarms and Door Entry

Door Locks Window Locks Wireless Alarms
Door Hardware Window Hardware Doorbells & Intercoms
Internal Door Locks Child Safety FakeTV



Sash Window Repair

Five Lever Padlocks Schlegel Weatherseals Ventrolla
Gate, Garages and Sheds    




























Still based in the heart of the West Midlands, we know a lot about the best ways to keep British homes secure – that’s why door and window fabricators and installers, locksmiths and police authorities across the country have looked to ERA as security experts for many years.