Find an ERA Security Installer now
How can an ERA Security Installer help me?
Finding an installer
For your peace of mind, ERA has built an extensive network of Security Installers that can give you peace of mind when it comes to your home security. Whether its traditional locks or smart home alarm systems that you’re looking for, we can provide the right installer for you.
Trusting in professionals to advise you on security is a better choice than trying to decide for yourself. Locks or alarm systems may look the same, but often the product or security rating you need can change depending on your security needs. Choose from a list of ERA Security Installers to get the right security advice and guidance for your home.
How do I find an installer?
Depending on whether you require traditional security hardware such as locks and door chains, or smart security solutions such as alarms or doorbells, or even a combination of both, just fill in the form below and select from the list of installers in your area. You can then decide if you wish to contact the installer yourself, or whether you would prefer them to contact you.
What can I expect?
Your installer may be able to quote you over the phone without needing to visit you, depending on the job; or alternatively they can come and do a full security survey, providing you with a comprehensive quote which you can choose to accept or decline. Your installer should always do the work as quoted or pre-warn you of additional charges before going ahead with any work.
What about my feedback?
Please take the time to leave feedback for your installer to let us know how they performed for you. Your feedback is invaluable to us as it helps us ensure we are always recommending good installers and that others using the installer scheme can make an informed choice.
You can feedback by freepost or online following any job – you will receive an email prompting you to leave feedback after 2 weeks. If you have already returned the freepost form to us, then just disregard the email.
*Please note, our installer database is currently being populated, if one does not appear in your area, please contact ERA directly for help finding an Installer.*
How to find an installer?
Select your installer type when you find an installer in the form below
Choose an installer from the local installer results
Choose whether you would like to send your details to them and they will contact you, or whether you would like to contact them directly.
ERA Security Installers

Traditional Security Installers
Our hardware installers are the true specialists in all security hardware. Their knowledge covers door locks, window locks, door chains, padlocks and more. From high security locks, to window child safety devices, you can be assured that your home is protected to suit your individual needs. Whether it is to upgrade your security or to repair or replace current locks, a Traditional Security Installer will give you the service you need.
Find an InstallerSmart Security Installers
Our smart security installers specialise in providing wireless security systems which range from basic wireless systems through to cloud based security and full home monitor and alerting solutions that add a further layer of protection to your home. From video doorbells to smart alarms and locks, trust in our installers to recommend the best smart security solution for use in your home.
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To find your nearest ERA Security Installers, fill in the details below.