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Window Locks - A Breath of Fresh Air and Heightened Security

Window Locks - A Breath of Fresh Air and Heightened Security

Date: 25/02/20

There is always a balance to be had between your home security and your comfort at home. One area where there is always a compromise to be had is with the security of your window locks. It can be difficult to balance that need for a breath of fresh air in your home whilst keeping it safe from intruders (or keeping your children safe if you have young children at home). Window restrictors are the perfect combination of both, providing peace of mind.

Your window security is important, as it is often one of the most vulnerable parts of your home security. Think about it, whenever you leave window locks open you are at risk of potential break-in, whether you are in another part of the home or not at home at all. Despite this, you might be living in a property where it is vital that there is a flow of fresh air, especially for bathrooms.

On top of this, if you have children, you want that fresh air to help keep them healthy, without putting them at risk of escaping or falling out of a window and being injured. Certain window locks allows for a slight opening to bring in fresh air, whilst preventing a child from getting out of the window, and a burglar from getting in through the window locks from outside. It is the best of both worlds.

If you would like to find out more about window restrictors and our other home security products, please feel free to contact the ERA team today on 01922 490 050 or email We are always happy to discuss your options and put forward potential home security solutions to help fit your needs and budgets.

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